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Created by Osgrid Inc, powered by the OpenSimulator project
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Joining OSGgrid is an opportunity for you; we work tirelessly to always do better.
We test and run full featured development code for OpenSimulator!
OSGgrid uses the latest generation of servers and cutting-edge technology to provide solid grid services offering the best experience.
We provide public regions for socializing, building, gaming, shopping and dancing. Come explore the different places!
Easy and free, in 2 minutes your account is created and you can log in and explore OSGrid. It doesn’t get any simpler!
OSGrid is free to use and will remain so. All donations help to finance our servers. Donate now and support the future of OSGrid. Donate now. You will not be disappointed .
Grid Maintenance / Administrator - Plazas
Grid Administrator - Plazas.
Administrator Homesteads - Plazas
Administrator - Plazas
Homesteads - Plazas
Grid Maintenance / Administrator Webpart
Event Plaza Administrator